This file gives a list of improvements of recent versions over the preceeding versions. Improvements in HyperRead Generator 5.0 over version 4.4: 1) HyperRead Generator can now create an encoded text file that makes editing existing HyperRead documents without destroying the links easy. This file is not the final ASCII file that is distributed, but a special file that can be edited in most word processors without destroying the HyperRead links and then converted back to a text file and HyperRead control file by HyperRead Generator. 2) HyperRead Generator now contains a built-in version of Document Cleaner, which converts most text files that are not compatible with HyperRead to a compatible format. If HyperRead Generator detects that the file contains control characters or has lines that exceed 79 characters, it will offer to save the original text file with the BAK extension and create a new text file. The new file will have shortened lines (always broken at a space, of course), tabs will be converted to a series of spaces, control characters (except page feeds) will be removed, and optional left and right margins will be added to the text. 3) The ack command listed on the bottom of the screen is now grayed out when you have not made any link jumps. This gives an easy visual guide to when you have backtracked to the bottom of your series of hypertext jumps. 4) When using the earch function, the screen cursor now goes to the start of the search text in the line where it is found, instead of being at the start of the line as in previous versions. 5) When pressing keyboard keys, such as J or L, HyperRead Generator 5.0 now responds even if you are holding down the Alt or Ctrl keys, even though this is not necessary. It also responds to the Home and End keys while the Ctrl key is pressed, even though the Ctrl key is not necessary. This is done to increase compatibility with other text editor and word processor programs, since people who are in the habit of pressing the Alt or Ctrl keys while pressing hot keys sometimes get confused when HyperRead Generator does not respond when they press hot keys while holding down Alt or Ctrl. 6) When listing possible document files as new files to be hypertexted, HyperRead Generator 5.0 does not display some of the file names that are obviously not document files, such as EXE or COM files. It still lists any file that might remotely be a document file, meaning any file that it does not specifically recognize as another type of file. The HyperRead read-only module version 5.0 contains features 3, 4 and 5 above. It is also 7 bytes smaller than HyperRead 4.4. Improvements in version 5.1 over 5.0: The HyperRead read-only module version 5.1 contains a new disk access routine that causes the document loading and most large movements within the document to take about 1/5th as long as with version 5.0. Unfortunately, version 5.1 is 333 bytes larger than version 5.0. HyperRead Generator 5.1 fixes a small bug in HyperRead Generator 5.0. The bug caused it to "lose" any HyperRead link to the first line of the document when you saved the file as an encoded text file and then converted this file back to a normal HyperRead file. This problem seldom surfaced, since links to the first line of the document are rare. HyperRead Generator 5.1 is also faster in some aspects of disk reading than version 5.0, although the improvement is not as great as in the read-only module. Improvements in version 5.2 over 5.1: The PCX file viewer has been enhanced. The program will now display a much wider range of PCX pictures. The 16 color, 640 pixel wide by 350 pixel high format is now the MAXIMUM color and size limit, rather than being the only PCX format that HyperRead can show. This improvement is especially important to people who want to use pictures created by black and white scanners. It also allows you to use smaller PCX files if you do not need the maximum color range and size allowed by HyperRead. The PCX pictures also display about 10 times faster on the screen with version 5.2. No more long waits to view complex pictures. HyperRead 5.2 is also 102 bytes smaller. HyperRead Generator 5.2 also fixes two small bugs in version 5.1. First, version 5.1 would crash if you tried to load an ETF file while there was a file in the current directory with the same root name as the ETF file and a BAK extension. Version 5.2 fixes this. Also, version 5.1 responded to the ENTER key as if you had pressed the M key. This has also been fixed. A small price for this fix is that version 5.2 no longer responds to Ctrl-M. This is really of no importance, because Ctrl-M produced exactly the same effect as just pressing M. This duplication was only provided for the convenience of users how are conditioned by other programs to press the Crtl key whenever they wanted to active a "hot key." Those people will just have to remember not to press Ctrl when they press the M key. Improvements in version 5.3 over 5.2: HyperRead 5.3 and HyperRead Generator 5.3 can view a wider range of PCX fiels than version 5.2. Most notably, they can view 16-color 640 X 480 pictures and 256-color 320 X 200 pictures. Improvements in version 5.4 over 5.3: HyperRead 5.4 fixes a problem with some printers that caused the page number to be on a separate page when printing HyperRead documents. Improvements in version 5.5 over 5.4: HyperRead 5.5 introduces the ability to divide the document into blocks of separate text to allow for footnotes, short definitions, etc. Improvements in version 5.6 over 5.5: HyperRead 5.6 fixes bugs that prevent the Generator and Reader from loading large files properly.